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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

DRAFT EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume I)

This draft Filer Manual, posted before Commission approval of potential regulatory changes in this release, is provided as a service to our filing community to assist filers, agents, and software developers prepare for potential changes the staff anticipates. Since this is a draft manual, the SEC retains the right to change any part of the manual before the new system release is made final. In addition, the final EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume I) (Version 18) is subject to Commission approval and may be revised before approval or not approved at all. Similarly, the posting of the draft manual does not indicate Commission approval of any pending proposed changes relating to the potential changes reflected in the draft manual. The final version of the manual will be made available as and if approved by the Commission, on the SEC's Public Website.

Changes to the DRAFT EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume I) - General Information (Version 18) are being made to update the filer manual to reflect changes scheduled to be implemented on October 20, 2014.

  • EDGAR will be updated to add new submission form types SF-1, SF-1/A, SF-3, SF-3/A, SF-3MEF, 424H, 424H/A, ABS-EE, and ABS-EE/A to the EDGAR Filing Website. These submission form types can be accessed by selecting the 'EDGARLink Online Form Submission' link on the EDGAR Filing Website. Additionally, filers may construct XML submissions for these submission form types by following the "EDGARLink Online XML Technical Specification" document.
  • New exhibits EX-102 (Asset Data File) and EX-103 (Asset Related Document) will be available on EDGARLink Online for submission form types ABS-EE and ABS-EE/A. Filers must construct an XML Asset-Backed Security (ABS) Asset Data File by following the new "EDGAR ABS XML Technical Specification" document. Each element listed in the Element/Attribute Name column in section 3.4 (Mapping of ABS Schemas to Asset Data Types) of the "EDGAR ABS XML Technical Specification" document corresponds to an Item number of Schedule AL - Asset-Level Information (17 CFR 229.1125). Schedule AL contains the complete title and description of each of the disclosure requirements and filers should refer to Schedule AL for a full description of the information that must be provided in any ABS Asset Data File.
  • Form 8-K Item 6.06 (Static Pool) will be available on EDGARLink Online for submission form types 8-K, 8-K/A, 8-K12B, 8-K12B/A, 8-K12G3, 8-K12G3/A, 8-K15D5, and 8-K15D5/A.
  • Exhibit EX-106 (Static Pool) will be available on EDGARLink Online and can be included with the following submission form types: S-1, S-1/A, S-1MEF, S-3, S-3/A, S-3ASR, S-3D, S-3DPOS, S-3MEF, SF-1, SF-1/A, SF-3, SF-3/A, and SF-3MEF. In addition, Exhibit EX-106 can also be included with the following submission form types if Item 6.06 is selected: 8-K, 8-K/A, 8-K12B, 8-K12B/A, 8-K12G3, 8-K12G3/A, 8-K15D5, and 8-K15D5/A.
  • The Login and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) screens for all EDGAR websites, the EDGAR Portal, and the EDGAR Company Database will be updated to specify Internet Explorer 8.0 as the recommended browser and Firefox 24.x as an additionally compatible browser.
  • EDGAR Filer Manual Volume I (General Information) and EDGAR Filer Manual Volume II (EDGAR Filing) will be updated to remove all references to leased line filings, as EDGAR no longer supports the leased line filing method.

You may download the DRAFT EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume I) General Information (Version 18) by clicking the following link. To assist filers in the identification of the draft changes, we have provided a redlined version of Volume I.



Modified: 09/18/2014