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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

EDGAR Form TA-1 XML Technical Specification (Version 3.4.1)

EDGAR Form TA-2 XML Technical Specification (Version 5.5.1)

EDGAR Form TA-W XML Technical Specification (Version 1.4.1)

Implementation Date: September 14, 2015

The EDGARLite application aids filers in creating and submitting XML-encoded submissions. The first series of forms to be implemented using this application are Transfer Agent forms TA-1, TA-2, and TA-W (and their respective amendments). For details regarding use of the EDGARLite application, please refer to the EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume II) EDGAR Filing.

For filers interested in creating Transfer Agent XML forms without using the EDGARLite tool, the SEC provides XML Technical Specifications: EDGAR Form TA-1 XML Technical Specification (Version 3.4.1), EDGAR Form TA-2 XML Technical Specification (Version 5.5.1), and EDGAR Form TA-W XML Technical Specification (Version 1.4.1). These specifications include documents giving general descriptions and instructions about the XML file being created, the schema files containing the taxonomy that must be used, and stylesheets. Please review the EDGAR Filer Manual (Volumes I, II) for information regarding Transfer Agent forms before you begin.

EDGAR Release 15.3 introduced the following changes:

  • Made the following changes to the document to make it 508 compliant:
    • Some of the column headers were not sufficient for JAWS to announce when it was entering data cells in the JAWS “Tables” mode. Enabled the “Repeat as header row at the top of each page” option to resolve the issue.
    • Some of the headings in the document did not follow a hierarchy. Corrected the issue by setting the hierarchical order. For example, Heading Level 1, Heading Level 2, Heading Level 3; or Caption or Body text for tables.
    • Lists, and the numbering of list items, were not sufficient for JAWS to identify and read. Mapped all the contents which appeared to be a list using the Numbering or Bullet list option.
    • Some of the tables in the document spanned across multiple pages with no repeated header rows, which was not sufficient for JAWS to announce the column heading of that cell in the table. Enabled the “Allow row to break across pages” and “Repeat as header row at the top of each page” options to resolve the issue.
    • Hyperlinks were not sufficient for JAWS to announce and navigate appropriately. Enabled hyperlinks and ensured JAWS read and navigated to the appropriate URLs.

You may download the TA-1, TA-2, and TA-W XML Technical Specifications by clicking the following links.



Modified: 09/14/2015