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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

EDGAR Filer Manual 

The EDGAR Filer Manual is made up of three volumes. One or more volumes of the Filer Manual may change when new releases are introduced to EDGAR. When a volume of the Filer Manual has changed, a brief description of the changes will be provided. Listed below are all of the current versions of all three volumes.

EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume I) General Information (Version 1)

EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume I) General Information (Version 1) covers the EDGAR application process, outlines how to keep company data current and provides a brief introduction to the filing process. Volume I is intended to be a reference for those that need to obtain EDGAR access, those that are new to EDGAR and those that are responsible for keeping company information current.

* Download the EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume I) General Information (Version 1; 5 MB)

EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume II) EDGAR Filing — Version 2 new to this index list

EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume II) EDGAR Filing (Version 2) covers the filing process. It illustrates each step of the process to submit an electronic submission and helps filers understand the tools provided by the SEC for constructing and transmitting those submissions. This volume is intended to be a reference for those that are responsible for submitting filings to the SEC via the EDGAR system.

Volume II has been updated. The updates are being made primarily to support the amended rules and forms adopted by the Commission to address 1) the use of Form S-8, Form 8-K, and Form 20-F by shell companies; and 2) the changes necessary to support the Securities Offering Reform, which will modify and advance significantly the registration, communications, and offering processes under the Securities Act of 1933.  See Release No. 33-8633 (November 7, 2005).

Changes to take place on November 7, 2005:

  • Add new 8-K Item 5.06 "Change in Shell Company Status."
  • Add new submission header field "Shell Company" to Form 10-K and Form 10-KSB submission form types for filers to indicate if they meet the shell company criteria as specified in the rule. The “Shell Company” field shall be required beginning November 7, 2005.
  • Move 424B1, 424B2, 424B3, 424B4, 424B5, 424B7 submission form types from EDGARLink Template 3 to Template 1. Filings with fee information submitted before December 1, 2005 will be suspended.
  • 424B1, 424B2, 424B3, 424B4, 424B5, 424B7, and 424B8 will allow filers to indicate fee data; however these changes do not take effect until December 1, 2005. Filings with offering data received prior to December 1, 2005 shall be suspended.
    • Add new submission header "Fee Table in Prospectus" checkbox to indicate if a prospectus contains a "Calculation of Registration Fee Table."
    • Add new submission header field "Type of Payment" to the offering data to allow well-known seasoned issuers to indicate whether the filing fees will be paid in advance or on a "pay-as-you-go" basis.

  • Add 424B8 submission form type to Template 1. Filings received prior to December 1, 2005 shall be suspended.
  • Add new submission form types S-3ASR, F-3ASR, and POSASR to EDGARLink Template 1. Filings received prior to December 1, 2005 shall be suspended.
  • Add new Free Writing Prospectus submission form type FWP to EDGARLink Template 2. Filings received prior to December 1, 2005 shall be suspended.
  • Add new submission header field "Well-Known Seasoned Issuer" to Form 10-K and Form 20-F submission form types for filers to indicate if they meet the well known seasoned issuer criteria as specified in the rule. The "Well-Known Seasoned Issuer" field shall be required beginning November 7, 2005.
  • Add new submission header field "Voluntary Filer" to Form 10-K and Form 20-F submission form types for filers other than investment companies to indicate if they are not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The "Voluntary Filer" field shall be required beginning November 7, 2005.
  • Change submission form type 425 to add new submission header field "Rule 433" or "Rule 163" to indicate whether the communications are made under Rule 433 or Rule 163. Filings that contain either of these two fields should not be filed until December 1, 2005 as indicated by the rules. Filers can continue to file form type 425 without these two fields.

Changes to take place on December 1, 2005:

  • 424B8 filings shall be accepted by EDGAR.
  • 424B1, 424B2, 424B3, 424B4, 424B5, 424B7, and 424B8 submission form types will allow filers to indicate fee data a using the new submission header “Fee Table in Prospectus” checkbox to indicate if a prospectus contains a “Calculation of Registration Fee Table” and the new submission header field “Type of Payment” to the offering data to allow well-known seasoned issuers to indicate whether the filing fees will be paid in advance or on a “pay-as-you-go” basis.
  • S-3ASR, F-3ASR, and POSASR filings shall be accepted by EDGAR.
  • Free Writing Prospectus filings shall be accepted by EDGAR.
  • Rescind the following submission form types from EDGARLink Template 1: S-2, S-2/A, S-2MEF, F-2, F-2/A, F-2MEF, F-2D, and F-2DPOS. NOTE: These submission form types will be suspended on December 1; however the submission form types will remain in the EDGARLink Template 1.

You may download the EDGAR Filing Manual (Volume II) EDGAR Filing (Version 2) by clicking the following link. 

* Download the EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume II) EDGAR Filing (Version 2; 4 MB)

EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume III) N-SAR Supplement (Version 1)

EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume III) N-SAR Supplement — Version 1 is the guide for preparing the electronic submissions of Form N-SAR.

* Download the EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume III) N-SAR Supplement (Version 1)



Modified: 11/21/2005