
DERA Seminar Series: Outside Perspectives

June 6, 2024

The Division of Economic and Risk Analysis, in collaboration with SEC University, hosts an ongoing Outside Perspectives Series where academic and industry speakers are invited to discuss topics of current interest to SEC staff. These one and a half hour talks target a broader set of Commission staff than attendees of our traditional academic series, including staff from rule-writing divisions and senior policymakers. The series allows SEC staff to learn from and interact with experts in topics of special importance and/or of broad interest to the Commission. For a list of upcoming and previous seminars, see below.


October 16
Alon Brav, Duke University
Topic: Governance by Persuasion: Hedge Fund Activism and the Market for Corporate Influence


November 3
Sanjai Bhagat, University of Colorado at Boulder
Topic: Financial Crisis, Corporate Governance, and Bank Capital

October 3
Mohini Singh, CFA Institute
Topic: Data and Technology: Transforming the Financial Information Landscape

May 18
Dan Egan, Betterment Investment Company
Topic: Evidence-Based Improvements to Investor Behavior: The Betterment Approach

February 23
David Yermack, New York University
Topic: Blockchains and the Future of Financial Markets and Governance


October 8
Chris Plantier, Investment Company Institute
Topic: Regulated Funds, Emerging Markets, and Financial Stability

July 22
Stefan Hunt, UK FCA
Topic: Is Financial Disclosure for Consumers Ever Effective? Evidence from UK Field, Lab and Natural Experiments

June 23
Karel Engelen, International Swaps Derivatives Association (ISDA)
Topic: OTC Derivative Taxonomy

April 6
Grant Passmore and Denis Ignatovich, Aesthetic Integration
Topic: Formal Verification: A Way to Ensure the Safety and Fairness of Financial Algorithms


December 2
AnnaMaria Lusardi, George Washington University
Topic: The Economic Importance of Financial Literacy

August 27
Byoung-Hyoun Hwang, Cornell University
Topic: Can Short-Selling Help Correct Under-Pricing

August 19
Steven Crawford, University of Houston
Topic: The CEO-Employee Pay Ratio

May 1
Jay Ritter, University of Florida
Topic: IPOs and Capital Raising

January 27
Michael Greenberg, RAND Corporation
Topic: Fair Value, Historical Cost, and Systemic Risk


July 26
Amit Seru, University of Chicago
Topic: Securitization of Residential Loan Originations: A Retrospective Review


December 12
Ethan Mollick, University of Pennsylvania
Topic: The Dynamics of Crowdfunding

October 25
John Core, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Topic: Is U.S. CEO Compensation Broken?

October 5
John Julsman, Hulsman Enterprises
Topic: A Discussion of the European Financial Crisis

June 29
Gary Gorton, Yale University
Topic: Shadow Banking and the Financial Crisis


October 12
Jordan Seigel, Harvard University
Topic: What Makes the Bonding Stick? A Natural Experiment Involving the Supreme Court and Cross-Listed Firms

September 29
Christian Leuz, University of Chicago
Topic: Disclosure-related

May 12
Maureen O'Hara, Cornell University
Topic: Flow toxicity, liquidity crashes and the Probability of Informed Trading

February 17
Merritt Fox, Columbia Law School
Topic: The Effectiveness of Mandatory Disclosure: an Empirical Test of the Line of Business Regulations


June 4
John Griffin, University of Texas at Austin
Topic: Did Subjectivity Play a Role in CDO Credit Ratings?

May 13
Andrew Metrick, Chief Economist, President’s Council of Economic Advisers and Yale University; and Sanjai Bhagat, University of Colorado
Topic: Corporate Governance Ratings

April 29
Frank Hatheway, Chief Economist, Claude Courbois, Managing Economist, Director of Research, and Nick Hirschey, NASDAQ
Topic: High Frequency Trading on NASDAQ

April 27
John Morrall, Former Deputy Administrator for OIRA; Richard Williams, Managing Director, Regulatory Studies Program, Mercatus Center, George Mason University; and Michael Livermore, Executive Director, Institute for Policy Integrity, NYU School of Law
Topic: Economic Analysis in Federal Rulemaking

April 1
Shiller, Yale University
Topic: The Case for Trills: Giving the People and Their Pension Funds a Stake in the Wealth of the Nation

February 22
Adam Ashcraft, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Topic: Asset-Backed Securities

February 9
Sean Dobson and Laurie Goodman, Amherst Securities
Topic: Mortgage Markets

January 7
Ian Domowitz, Milan Borkovec, and Kevin O’Connor, Investment Technology Group (ITG)
Topic: Measuring the Price Impact of Stock Trading


December 3
Juhani Linnainmaa, The University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business
Topic: Investor Characteristics and Stock Market Participation

November 10
Sal L. Arnuk, Themis Trading
Topic: High Frequency Trading

November 5
Jeffrey Blockinger, Chief Legal Officer, Och-Ziff Capital Management Group; Thomas Fritsch, General Counsel, Plainfield Asset Management LLC; and Edward McNamara, General Counsel, Plainfield Direct, Inc.
Topic: Hedge Fund Compliance

  • Andrei Kirilenko, CFTC
  • Sophie Shive, University of Notre Dame
  • Fabrizio Ferri, Harvard University
  • David Reeb, Temple University
  • Avri Ravid, Rutgers University
  • Lee Pinkowitz, Georgetown University
  • James Vickrey, New York Fed
  • Srinivasan Sankaraguruswamy, National University of Singapore
  • Kose John, New York University
  • Milton Harris, University of Chicago
  • Russ Wermers, University of Maryland
  • Malcolm Baker, Harvard University
  • Jennifer Carpenter, New York University


  • Jay Dahya, Baruch College/CUNY
  • Brad Barber, UC Davis
  • Alex Frino, University of Sydney
  • Antonio Falato, Federal Reserve Board
  • Alex Edmans, University of Pennsylvania
  • Christopher Yung, University of Colorado
  • Anna Obizhaeva, University of Maryland
  • Gerard Hoberg, University of Maryland
  • Kumar Venkataraman, Southern Methodist University
  • Jim Hsieh, George Mason University
  • Ugur Lel, Federal Reserve Board
  • Gjergji Cici, William and Mary
  • Jack Cooney, Texas Tech University
  • Otto Van Hemert, New York University
  • Harold Mulherin, University of Georgia
  • Laura Starks, University of Texas
  • Lalitha Naveen, Temple University


  • Victoria Ivashina, Harvard University
  • Richard Evans, University of Virginia
  • Andrew Karolyi, Ohio State University
  • Mila Getmansky, UMass - Amherst
  • Mark Mitchell, CNH Partners
  • Justin Wolfers, University of Pennsylvania
  • Ulrike Malmendier, University of California, Berkeley Department of Economics
  • Pete Kyle, University of Chicago
  • Gregory Duffee, University of California, Berkeley
  • Luigi Zingales, University of Chicago
  • Gary Gorton, University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business
  • Alon Brav, Duke University
  • JB Heaton, Bartlit, Beck, Herman, Palenchar and Scott, LLP


  • Alexander Ljungqvist, New York University
  • Robert Engle, New York University
  • Burton Hollifield, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Jonathan Berk, University of California, Berkeley
  • Terry Hendershott, University of California, Berkeley
  • Michael Brennan, University of California, Los Angeles and London School of Business

Last Reviewed or Updated: June 6, 2024