Subject: File Number SR-FINRA -2009-008

April 15, 2009

Florence Harmon
Deputy Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission 100 F Street, NE Washington, DC 20549

Florence Harmon:

I am an insurance and financial advisor. I work hard and care deeply about the wellfare of my clients as do most advisors. I urge you to reconsider changing the U4 & U5 forms.

In this litigatious society, no one appears willing to take responsibility for their own actions or decisions. With the difficult market conditions and with lawyers advertising asking people to call them if they have lost money in the market, advisors already face an oppressive environment. When I work with a client to determine their risk tolerance and the types of investments they wish to pursue with due diligence and then the market takes a wild turn as it has in the past 9 months, my clients and I both suffer with the market's turn. I should not have my reputation and record with FINRA tarnished by unfounded, unsubstantiated claims.

Please do not make this change in our U4 and U5 filings.


Laura Drake