Subject: File No. SR-CHX-2011-21
From: Nick DiCicco
Affiliation: D and D Securities

August 23, 2011

To whom it may concern;

Our floor brokerage firm currently uses the CHX to print stock when it is tied to the options we are executing as a QCT trade. When the options are taken down, agreed upon by both

parties involved, we feel the stock should also be able to be taken off the tape. Currently we have to put said stock trades in our error account in order to change or take a print down,

which incurs multiple fees ( exchange, clearing and regulatory ). We feel the stock prints in question should allowed to be taken down if both parties involved agree on such action, and

would be better representative of the correct trade that should be on the tape and not have erroneous stock trades on the tape.

Thank You, Nick DiCicco
D and D Securities