Subject: File No. S7-42-10
From: Kristy McCarville

February 11, 2012

Dear SEC Commissioners,

Please do not give in to industry pressures on Section 1504 of the Dodd-Frank Act (the Cardin-Lugar Amendment) - and make sure that ALL companies are covered, every country and every project gets reported, and loopholes that would allow large sums of money to go unreported are closed.

My Comment:

I have witnessed and seen the effects of corrupt oil companies in Africa and the effects it has on its people. It is an absolute shame that anyone can do back door deals. Everyone deserve to have the chance to prosper. I lived in the largest slum in Africa for 4 months and some of the most hard working deserving people to get out of extreme poverty. Please I urge you to change these policies as African children deserve to have a future.

Kristy McCarville