Subject: File No. S7-40-10
From: Laura Haykel

December 28, 2010

We absolutely need legislation for conflict minerals. Too many women and girls have been raped, too many young children forced to fight, too many orphaned, too many displaced, too many suffering and dead. The people of the DR Congo deserve to live in prosperity due to the wealth of resources on their land. With focus made on the war over the minerals and solutions to bring peace and justice to that nation everyone has the ability to have their needs met, to live in safety and surety and to make a living. We need to take a stand that we will no longer allow the warlords and major corporations worldwide to profit so greatly from this war over minerals. There are 6 million dead and so many suffering. I stand for PEACE and JUSTICE for the Congolese and any others suffering as a result of this current war on minerals. I know there is a solution and stand with and for each of us in realizing this solution for the highest and best of ALL peoples and the earth. Give thanks Blessed new year