Subject: File No. S7-35-11
From: Jim F Christie

September 3, 2011

Please do not do this. In the last two and a half years the only investments that "pay off" are the dividends on mRIETS. I have shifted much of my savings and IRA into these mRIETS and they are the only positive growth we have seen this year. to destroy the dividend that these companies pay would greatly reduce my income and my savings, resulting in less tax dollars paid by me to the Federal Government. I NEED the income provided to me by these REITS, and the Government needs the tax money I pay on the income I receive from REITs. The forumla works now for the government-they get taxes on the profits earned by REITs since REIT dividends are taxed as "ordinary dividends" which makes them considered as fully taxable income by the IRS.