Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: Derek Olson

May 11, 2020

I would be very upset about the SEC passing the proposed regulation and am upset that it is even threatening this type of action. I personally invest in funds like AGQ which performs at a multiple of silver. It is a great hedge against inflation from a government that shows no spending constraint and can create money out of thin air. It gives me some level of confidence to hold on to the US dollars I do have. I also invest in a 3x Bear account that with relatively few dollars I protect myself against crashes, like the one we just had. It gives me confidence to make those other investments in an extra long bull market. Like an insurance policy, I did not lose a whole lot because my 3x bear investment shot up like a rocket while my other investments suffered. Anytime I've ever made an investment in leveraged ETFs there have been significant warnings about how volitile the ride can be. Obviously you wouldn't want all your eggs in that basket, but they work great for how they are intended. If this regulation passes, I'm sure to lose some money because it will restrict the free nature of that market and will make it more difficult to buy sell. SEC, please focus your energy on sniffing out fraud in the market not restricting the market. Thank you