Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: Daniel Baumgold

May 4, 2020

To Whom It May Concern,

The passage of the proposed regulation of leveraged and inverse funds would be detrimental to the investment portfolios of individual investors. As an individual investor I'm already severely limited in my ability to trade options and other derivatives, the ability to trade ProShares leveraged and inverse funds allows me to hedge my portfolio against a market down turn. As the last month has shown us, the expectation of an endless bull market is unreasonable, its during these times that leveraged funds truly shine. While there is inherent risk in the use of these types of funds the potential risk is mitigated and the potential benefit greatly outweighs the risks. As an individual investor I'm already constrained in the types of securities I can trade, please don't further limit my investment options. Thank you for your time.