Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: Wayne Zeitler

May 4, 2020

Regarding the proposed Regulations regarding funds like ProShares inverse leveraging funds, the new proposed regulations are unacceptable. This is how communism came about in markets that were "free" trading markets. These regulations are burdensome, unnecessary, puts small investors at a great disadvantage to the wealthy, and set a dangerous precedent.

This is Bad for investors and will hurt those who could benefit from the enhanced return - protecting the rich/wealthy

It is Unnecessary - there is No problem with this, so the wheel does not need more regulation nor does it have to be reinvented - unless you are protecting the rich/wealthy

This sets a Dangerous Precedent - That people have to "show their papers" like in Nazi Germany in order to invest money. This is another way of protecting the rich/wealthy while trying to do away with the middle class.

STOP - Stop. Think. Observe and open your eyes. Plan - make a better plan if necessary

This is NOT necessary.