Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: Maria Sumoski

April 17, 2020

To Whom It May Concern,
This proposal is an ill informed attempt to further restrict the average investor. It will further widen the gap between retail investors and large investors who have access to many tools not available to the average person.
I have invested for years with Proshares and my return on investment has been stellar. I am informed and know EXACTLY what I am investing in. I take advantage of all the tools and learning that Is available to me through the issuer. Every time I buy leveraged etf shares my broker informs me that I am purchasing leveraged shares and advises of the risks that may come with it.
The public has EVERY RIGHT to take advantage of all investment tools available and it is not the governments place to start dictating how much or how little we should have in our portfolios. The SEC cannot pass a ruling as ridiculous as this. DO NOT PASS THIS PROPOSED RULE. It will wipe out wealth built over years and restrict future growth for countless investors. As it is now, every investment carries risk, this is no more risky than any other investment.