Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: Robert Kerestes

April 7, 2020

I am very much against this SEC proposal "Release No. 34-87607" for the following reasons

- my decades of self education in the investments put me on par with many of most investment advisors. I can make my own decisions.

- many investment advisor agendas are not in the self interest of clients, hence my move self investment decades ago.

- what right does the SEC have to decide who can and cannot make their own investment choices. If fact it is the irresponsibility of corporate debt, risky business decision, federal money printing that is leading to the destruction of the market, NOT the small investor. Deal with the BIG problems not the little ones.

- Leveraged ETFs provide an easy way to commit to a particular trade, and is less difficult and less risky that options trading. You might as well ban options trading, if you go down this path.

- Leveraged ETFs allow me to in some cases protect my investments, and in others to maximize my returns.

- This measure does not support a free and fair market for all. Installing gate keepers deciding who and what we can invest in is not fair.

I suggest that SEC deal with the real issues at hand:
- Make corporate share buy backs illegal once again, due to the extra damage it has caused to market.
- Crack down on insider trading for example: Senator Burr and the rest of those cronies.