Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: John Sangimino

March 12, 2020

I am writing to implore you to please reconsider proposed regulations that would make it more difficult for me to invest in - or possibly even prevent me from investing in - leveraged and inverse funds.
The ability to invest in these funds is extremely important to me because due to the nature of my work I am unable to invest in individual equities, which already significantly limits the degree to which I can diversify and protect my portfolio, and the proposed changes to leveraged and inverse funds would further disadvantage me in seeking to provide for my family's well being and future.
I fully understand the characteristics of leveraged and inverse funds and invest in them strategically to diversify and extend my financial freedom. I neither want nor need a third-party deciding whether or not I can make these investments or possibly preventing me from doing so altogether as I'm already restricted from many investment options as it is.
Please continue to protect the rights of investors to invest in public securities without more government-imposed limitations on investor choice. I have been strategically using these types of investments for some time now, planning diligently for my long-term financial security and future, and building strategic positions over time. If my ability to continue doing so were suddenly compromised I honestly don't know what I would do.