Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: Jonathan van Clute

March 12, 2020

Investors need to have access to as wide a variety of products as possible, to be able to reasonably and efficiently assess and manage risk and exposure to different markets. If inexperienced traders or gamblers lose a lot of money by trading in vehicles they don't understand, then that's completely on them.

It is not the government's place to decide for me, as a trader, what I should or should not trade. You do not know me, my level of knowledge/experience, or my risk tolerance. So do not presume to know what's best for me or my money.

Removing or severely limiting access to these products could also drastically impact overall market liquidity, resulting in higher transaction costs overall and an inability for many market participants to properly execute the trades they need.

The markets need more options for leverage and risk management if anything, not less.