Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: Thomas Flowers

March 12, 2020

I don't want someone else making decisions for me as to what I am qualified to do in the market. Just present the information and I will make an appropriate choice. You just make sure that the rules are followed by all and that we have an equal opportunity to learn from our mistakes. Police the insider trading that goes on and some of the (unfair) game playing by some the market makers. The LI Funds are useful tools for all, including us little people that don't have large resources to tap to help protect our capital. Prevent abuse of the rules by those who practice it. Keep the markets opening and functioning and allow the same privileges at all levels as much as you can.

I like using the Drexion LI ETFs and monitor them on a continuous basis when needed. They help stabilize the market and its risks to the smaller investor. Use of this type of financial instrument should be permitted free from restriction and perhaps even encouraged.
Hopefully you are putting these into your market models to see how they can best be utilized to maintain market stability and confidence.