Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: Jeffrey Fritts

February 20, 2020

Please do not limit the availability of leverage funds to average investors. A better option would be to require a certain amount of experience (as brokers do before they provide access to options trading). Leverage ETFs are a tool average investors can use to "level the playing field" with institutional investors.

I utilize small amounts of leverage ETFs to manage risk in my portfolio. I have used them for some time, as an individual investor, with tremendous success. We "regular Joes" DO understand the risks associated with these types of contracts, their trading limitations, and correllations and betas with more common investment tools. Publicly available information on their characteristics is not only readily available, it is reqruied reading per Schwab, Fidelity, and others.

PLEASE do not restrict my access to these tools, as they are essential to me implementing my carefully development investment strategy