Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: Daniel V

February 11, 2020

I urge the SEC not to implement the proposed rule. Each rule and regulation that is added to the astronomically large list of rules and regulations only serves to tighten the stranglehold around the neck of the US citizen and reduce his economic freedom. Each rule added is equivalent to a statement that individuals are not intelligent enough to make decisions for themselves.

No government has the right to restrict the manner and types of relationships into which consenting individuals enter. Individuals are perfectly capable of analyzing the types of investment vehicles that may suit their needs. Individuals neither need the SEC or any government entity to hold their hands, nor do they need the SEC or any government entity to provide "oversight" of business.

I urge the SEC not to implement this rule. Please do not further contribute to the strangulation of the US citizens and the US economy.