Subject: N/A
From: Grady Gregory

Mar. 23, 2020

Comment on SEC Proposed Rule #S7-24-15: 

I HIGHLY DISAGREE with any passage of this proposed legislation. 
>I am a very active investor and understand fully the risks associated with the L&I funds in which I invest, or any other investment for that matter 
> I monitor my L&I Funds, and ALL of my invest-ments daily, if not hourly. 
>My brokerage firm should have NO right, or responsibility, to decide if I am "capable" or have enough sense to asses the risks of investing in ANY publicly offered investment. 
>My brokerage firm provides adequate warnings and information frequently. With the prospectus and information available, it is highly unlikely that I would fail to understand the risks. 
>Lastly, I am quite offended that the SEC has even suggested that I am incapable of understanding clearly written language and warnings associated with any investment. Please drop any pursuance to this highly offensive proposed legislation! 
Sincerely, G Gregory