Subject: N/A
From: Marvin Weniger

Mar. 18, 2020

Comment on SEC Proposed Rule #S7-24-15: 

For many years now I have been investing almost exclusively in leveraged funds, particularly in UVXY and TQQQ. I feel very comfortable with these and several other leveraged funds that I have used throughout the years, and although these funds may not be suitable for all people, everyone should at least have the option to choose where they feel they would like to put their money. There are risks involved in all investing, but the risks are far less than those of many other government sponsored events such as gamboling and lotteries. To take the option of investing in leveraged funds away from people would be a gross misuse of regulatory power and would be the worst example of a nanny state mentality. No one should be forced to use leveraged funds, but everyone should have the option to do so without undue harassment. 

Marvin Weniger