Subject: N/A
From: James Carey

Mar. 17, 2020

Comment on SEC Proposed Rule #S7-24-15: 

My opinion is that my brokerage firm should have the right to decide 
whether I am sufficiently “capable” to assess risk or to disqualify me from trading 
L&I Funds or any other publicly offered investment. 
• A description of the warnings that my brokerage firm already provides in connection 
with my investments in L&I Funds. In connection with this, given the disclosure of the 
The prospectus and the attention in the media and the warnings provided by my 
brokerage firms are sufficient. 
• My own opinion is that my prior use of L&I Funds should automatically qualify me 
to continue trading L&I Funds under the proposed regulations or that these proposed regulations should be withdrawn completley.