Subject: S7-24-15: WebForm Comments from Walter, G
From: G Walter
Affiliation: Retired

Jan. 30, 2020

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Comments of G. Walter on S7-24-15

Comments of G Walter, Retired, Illinois
Time: January 30, 2020
href: /comments/s7-24-15/s72415-nnnn.htm
file: s72415-nnnn.htm
Uploaded href 1: /comments/s7-24-15/gwalter6590.pdf
Uploaded file 1: gwalter6590.pdf

   Subject: File No. S7-24-15
   From: G Walter
   Affiliation: Retired

   January 30, 2020

   As a retired retail investor in the age of reducing regulations, this
   is truly one of the stupidest rules ever proposed. Jason S. Scott,
   John G. Watson in their paper from Stanford University, "The
   Floor-Leverage Rule for Retirement" address the increased efficiency
   of a portfolio by using leveraged ETFs.

   Also, Inverse ETF's are very helpful in reducing downside portfolio
   volatility. Every retail investor knows there is increased risk and
   volatility with leverage. We do not need some SEC elitist coming out
   with a rule making it more difficult for investors to use investments
   that reduce downside volatility and increase portfolio efficiency.

   This rule should be voted down and the SEC idiot that came up with
   this rule should be fired.

INDEX Entry:

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<td nowrap>Jan. 30, 2020</td>
<td><a href="/comments/s7-24-15/s72415-nnnn.htm" class="subCat9">G Walter, Retired, Illinois</a></td></tr>