Subject: File No. S7-19-07
From: KC Crafts

July 18, 2008

It would be a stunning, mindboggling turn of events if the SEC were to actually enforce this regulation in ALL market sectors, as opposed to just the financial sector.

Simply stunning.

The precious metals sector has been decimated by these activities over the past two years -- something that the investors there have written, screamed, cried, howled about to the SEC for the past two years. And yet, we have been ignored -- why? Could it be that any strength in these stocks expose the actual existence of INFLATION? Ahhhhhhh.........

But now, yes, now that the financial institutions are trouble. Now you are going to go after naked shorts.....

My question is, are you going after all of them? Across the markets? Or is this going to be "selectively enforced"?