Subject: File No. S7-19-07
From: Lavonne Francisco
Affiliation: Realtor

July 9, 2008

July 9th, 2008

Dear Chairman Cox,

Ms. Nancy M. Morris, Secretary
Securities Exchange Commisssion
100 F. Street, N.E.
Washington, DC. 20549-1090

RE: File No. S7-19-0

Dear Secretary Morris

I am writing in response to the Commisssions proposed amendments to the Regulation SHO. I am a share holder of CMKX (the most naked shorted company) along with other stocks and I do not feel the SEC is handling these companies fairly or in a timely matter. I support the commissions prposed elimination of Regulation SHO's options market exception and encourage the Commisssion to complete the administrative steps to accomplish this change as quickly as possible. I am appauled at what has been going on in the market and that the SEC has done nothing until now is nothing short of outlandish fraud and it needs to end NOW. I am aware that the SEC is delaying release of trust funds that are intended for distribution to the shareholders of CMKX and other companies. I respectfully request that you release these funds that have been wrongfully withheld from us for the past 16 months. We are a strong shareholder body as you know and should the funds continue to be withheld we will take further action. I intend to send this letter to my Senators and Congressmen and the news media. We are planning a march on Washington DC and in particular the SEC offices to publicly address this injustice so I recommend you do something before this happens. I do not want to see another extension of the comments period, you have already had a phase and show period and when this 30 days is over your plans need to be implemented immediately.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Lavonne Francisco