Subject: File No. S7-19-07
From: Tony Ryals

March 17, 2008

Dear SEC,
I read Paul Floto's latest post with pure disgust knowing his many pump and dump scams that he excuses invoking a fraudulent claim of it all being 'naked shorting'and knowing that even if it were - which it's not - he is an insider to penny stock frauds( Global Links,NFI,etc.)and has never been hurt by the frauds he promotes as I and others have in the first place He has already acknowledged he is a professional 'securities'con artist or broker or whatever previously anyway.Yes he knows Chris Cox's,Paul Atkins','s down tick rule all too well that was conveniently created after a few years of the W Bush crime family using U.S. government to pump up stocks or 'securities' and no doubt knows how to take full advantage of it for himself and his organised NCANS-NFI ETC. CRIME FAMILY.

And no dounbt so do the evil folks of Agora Inc Baltimore and James Dale Davidson, as well.....Note below the Agora Inc connected website that claimed Northern Rock was a victim of 'naked short selling'a while back and their bragging of moving on to Dubai where - unlike in the America they sacked and looted and whose democracy they helped destroy - they hope to find a much nicer life awaiting them with more freedom to commit more fraud and economic terror against Americans or even UK,ETC. citizens in thneir unending 'securities'frauds than if they stayed in the 'free world' they have helped to sack loot and destroy - post 9/11The sheik or whatever of Dubai must be a very benevolent dictator if you looted enough cash from the sdacking of America.Certainly Dick Cheney and Haliburton think so.

Fraudsters and con artists have much to be thankful to the U.S. SEC and Chris 'Naked Shorts' Cox,and Paul the
'Republican Libertarian' Atkins and Johnn 'Cyber Czar' Reed Stark and John 'NASD Mafiosi' Polise for all the fine work they've done to make Dubai a better place for them all to live I'm just glad all of you also rans at the U.S. SEC are proud of the country your families and children will inherit.It won't be good.

I noted the con aretist and cover up artist John Polise made a joke of London money laundering investigator Robert Wishart before sending him on his merry weay back to meery England - he said you all(not him - John Polise) - but you all working under him at the SEC just couldn't keep track of all those CUSIP numbers because you all(not him) - were just too incompetent

And yet who let NFI(Nova Star Financial) touters use him on the NFI Yahoo tout 'message board' for years and years - even to contact him personally - to insinuate that he agreed with them that NFI was a victim of 'naked shorting' ? - just as James Dale Davidson's,'s Agora Inc folks and who started NAANSS and the whole fraudulent naked shorting claim to launder money with unaudited U.S. prenny stock shares do below on the link I provide and claime Northern Rock was also a victim of 'naked shorting And now the U.S. government and John Polise and Senator Bob Bennett protected pal Paul Floto checks in again this time to tell you after the government bail out of Bear Stearns - that they too were were victims of naked shorting

All I can say is we'd have been much better off under Saddam Hussein than Halliburton,Cerberus,W Bush and Slikkk Dikkk Cheney and their Kuwaiti,Saudia,UAE royalty and Israeli Russian crime families-PARTNERS And you iknow ICTS International and the Securacom that guarded Logan Airport and and Dulles and the Kroll AIG Group or whatever that guarded the WTC were themselves illegal stock scams and that ICTS and Kuwait-American's Securacom were really Bush-Al Sabah productions Who cares if they were incompetent or criminal on 9/11 - U.S. penny stock scams should never have been guarding those siotes in the first place

Below from website of an Agora Inc a Baltimore, Maryland stock scam operation with Beltway(Washington,D.C),as well as Lord William Rees-Mogg connections.
Note the Brit Lord Rees-Mogg knows his partners at Agora Inc.,Bill Bonner, James Dale Davidson have been using the fraudulent claim for fraud for years particularly worthless U.S. penny stock companies whose shares they promote with lies and then dump on investor-suckers using their many internet scam sites for promoting their frauds as well as the lie about them being 'naked shorted'.:

Fantasy Island17 Sep 2007 by Joel
In short, the tide of EZ credit has receded, and Northern Rock is the first British bank to be caught swimming naked. Chief Officer, Adam Applegarth, desperately tried to subdue panic in a written statement on the banks website. ...
Rude Awakening -

Below from website of an Agora Inc a Baltimore, Maryland stock scam operation with Beltway(Washington,D.C),as well as Lord William Rees-Mogg connections.
Note the Brit Lord Rees-Mogg knows his partners at Agora Inc.,Bill Bonner, James Dale Davidson have been using the fraudulent claim for fraud for years particularly worthless U.S. penny stock companies whose shares they promote with lies and then dump on investor-suckers using their many internet scam sites for promoting their frauds as well as the liew about them being 'naked shorted'.

Fantasy Island17 Sep 2007 by Joel
In short, the tide of EZ credit has receded, and Northern Rock is the first British bank to be caught swimming naked. Chief Officer, Adam Applegarth, desperately tried to subdue panic in a written statement on the banks website. ...
Rude Awakening -

Rude Endnote: Reading todays papers reminds us that weve had a couple of narrow escapes so far this year. We fled the pricey shores of Laguna Beach moments before the subprime bomb really exploded in the mediaand its been a couple of months since we called the UK, the latest victim of credit crisis contagion, home.

Fortunately we have nothing to worry about in our newest region of residence. What could possibly go wrong here in the Middle East?

Addison and the fellas in Baltimore will have your 5 out soonish. Keep your eyes out.


Joel Bowman
Rude Awakening

Subject:John Polise from Yahoo NFI 'MESSAGE BOARD':
Re: YEP, THAT EXPLAINS IT?? 14-Jan-06 02:59 pm I meant Pigeon Forge Tenn It was hear I spent 3 days with people like Hhill and Kauigary and others that know NFI and the MREIT business very well. In addition I have spoken to and analyzed the management team and board and can bet millions that NFI is like investing in a us T-bill. What I mean is NFI idenifies, isolates and managed risk as well as any entity. Differe What mgt will not do is fight hedge funds manipulating their pps like Dr. Patrick Byrnes, See NFI goal is building a investment portfolio, of mgt back securities portfolio (target $50B) just like a bond desk on wall street, Bear Sterns, Lehman Bros etc. Thanks to shorty longs including mgt and board can and their family/friends get to buy NFI at discount. The last point is the only reason I can think of why mgt does not want to address what Patrick Byrnes is brave or willing enough to address. I attended the last NFI annual meeting and Scott Hartman only comment on the issue was"We made a few tel calls to SEC and we will focus on executing our business model and let reg like SEC enforce. Mr. Polise of SEC enforcement div sent me a letter recently and the best he could do is note REFCO Sedona deal and Rhino Advisors which is very old. See

Sentiment : Strong Buy brThey first recognize the problem, and John highlighted several cases to reinforce this including Rhino Advisors and Thomas Badian SEC litigation. Mr. Polise thanked me for my interest in his work and finally said they will continue to work with "self regulatory organizations" to achieve a coordinated framework to address naked shorting/other short selling issues"
Sentiment : Strong Buy

FWIW, I received a second email from the SEC from a different person this time and it said my email that Mr. Polise phoned me about was be sent on to the proper people to look at.....
Sentiment : Strong Buy
Re: Easter Bunny 14-Sep-05 11:35 pm

i don't blame you for being skeptical. Hopefully, Mr. Polise will just give me his phone number if he wants to talk with someone more knowledgable in the area, and i can just pass it along. I really don't understand why they would even want to talk with me because I'm sure they have seen a zillion complaints about NFI and OSTK alone..... Sentiment : Strong Buy 9-Feb-05 07:02 pm Everybody, brSign up at NCANS. It is simple and be sure to sign the petition online against naked shorting.
And the conversation went something like this:Richard: I had your email question forwarded to me by John Polise. I spoke with our Trading Group and learned that the NASD and the NYSE do those calculations so the SEC doesn't have that information to disclose.......
Unless you feel otherwise, I'm writing again to Chairman Donaldson, referencing all my emails and calls and saying that, to many of us investors and Corporate Officers, this is clearly NOT acceptable enforcement practice.It's analogous to Gang killings where the Chief of Police says "Hey, we've cut a deal with the Gangs to report any instances of murder, theft, etc.. so until they do so everything's ok".. Actually, it's worse... as in the Gang killings at least the public and Police can see whether the data (gang killings) is at a high rate, increasing, etc.. whereas with illegal Naked Selling the SEC claims to not even see the data

Sentiment : Strong Buy
