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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

The following Letter Type E, or variations thereof, was submitted by individuals or entities.

Letter Type E:

Dear Sirs/Madams,

Please enforce the necessary regulations against NAKED SHORT SELLING to create a level playing field for everyone. It should be banned completely as it's a bad practice not only to individual investors, but is detrimental to the economy as well.

I support elimination of the Market Makers exemption.

I support amendment to rule 203(b)(3)(iii) of Regulation SHO - completely eliminating the close out exemption for option market makers as proposed.

I support amendment to rule 200(g)(1)which will require a "locate" on short sales securities and proper marking of sales as "long" or "short".

Please remember that USA is the torch bearer of EQUALITY in this world. I support Short Selling but Shorting or being long should have parallel and equal responsibility. As LONGS need to identify themselves in the filings to SEC, shouldn't the SHORTS be required to do the same? Should there be any reason to not bring back the UPTICK rule at the very least?

Regulation never hurts if it's for the betterment of everyone and more transparency. You're in position to do a huge favor to overall economy and the mainstream investing John Doe. PLEASE STOP THE ABUSE.

Thanks and Regards,




Modified: 09/25/2008