Subject: File No. S7-19-07
Affiliation: Industrial Engineer

September 13, 2008

Dear SEC,
Its more than obvious that the latest deliberate attacks on banking stocks stocks, "Washington Mutual, Lehman Brothers, AIG, ABK and others, by using the uncontrolled and in some cases "illegal" use of "short selling shares", to the extent, and "in my estimation fully inentional in taking comanies and its valued shareholders into Bankrupcy". (40% of the activity of WM was shorting.)

These "short sellers" are coordinating activities to uncontrolably switch efforts according to weaknesses that are exclamated with "inflated comments by the media", who seems to be in concert with desires from large "hedge funds", which in my conclusion is a "conflict of interest" by the same.

Shorting stocks should regulated and certainly investigated, certainly "naked shorting" should be penalised and the people collaborating with such activities brought to justice. Better still implement and enforce the "up tick" conformance.