Subject: File No. S7-19-07
From: Ernest R Anderson

September 5, 2007

In my opinion the SEC has lost all credibility with respect to naked shorting and their regulatory obligations, and are more part of the problem, than the solution. CMKX and several other companies have proven horendous counterfeiting of their stocks.. The SEC has done their very best to sweep these problems under the respective rugs, if not totally harassing the victimized companies, to cover for their cheating buddies in the DTCC, hedge funds, and market making venues, in my opinion. The SEC was designed to help shareholders and be a watch dog against illegal trading. Bullying small corporations has now become the standard operating procedure for the SEC. That is not what you are designed to do. The SEC lied continuously for a year and a half about the naked shorting problem. If I lie to the police, I go to jail. As an investor, I am your police department, but I will give you one more chance. Force covers on naked shorts Could you SEC folks fathom if Timothy McVey would have been an investor and born 10 years later than he was... I shudder to think....
HONESTY, HONESTY, HONESTY CLEARITY. Maybe we will have to make everyone in government take lie detector tests so Americans can have a free and fair market again.. 7000 upstart companies have been destroyed by your neglect.. Nice legacy.. CLEAN THIS STINKIN' MESS UP NOW... PLEASE... Thankyou from an American citizen who has lost everyting because of naked shorting...