Subject: Comment on File No. S7-16-07

September 28, 2007

Chairman Christopher Cox
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549-1090

Dear Chairman Cox:

I'm writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed initiatives that would curtail or eliminate the ability of investors to file shareholder resolutions. As a way to ensure that corporations are responsible to their shareholders and communities, shareholder resolutions are an invaluable tool.

Shareholder resolutions have helped to promote transparency and improve corporate governance and performance. They have called attention to critical issues, including global warming, nuclear power, sweatshops, and executive compensation which would, in the long run, end up costing shareholders their investment, costing employees their livelihoods, and costing communities their natural resources.

The many corporate scandals of recent years highlight how important it is to have more, not less, corporate transparency and accountability. Shareholder resolutions have proven effective in holding companies accountable to their owners. I ask that the commission safeguard, not undermine, their use.

Thank you for your attention to my comments.

Gregory King