Subject: File No. S7-15-10
From: Larry E Matson
Affiliation: Bonneville Chapter of NAIFA

November 5, 2010

I have worked and provided insurance and investment services since 1981. I enjoy my business and feel I have been able to provide a valuable service to my clients and policy holders.
I am very concerned about the huge increase in regulatory and compliance requirements. I feel that our industry should be more active in policing those who are unscruplious in our industry.
I believe that every effort should be made to allow the small investor to have access to services and that fees should be administered by the professional. Industry guidlines can be recommended however I am not a proponent of federal intervention. States should have the responsibility to regulate the business transacted in their state.
Fair and transparent fees and commissions can be charged for services rendered but should not be mandated by the federal government or any of it's agencies.

Thank you for the opportunity to voice my opinion.

Larry E. Matson