Subject: File Number S7-14-08: Requesting an Extension

August 27, 2008

SEC Members,

I am writing today to request an extension on proposed rule 151A. I believe that this proposal should be taken seriously and the amount of time given for comment is not enough for the impact that it can have on our industry. This rule should not be rushed to adoption as it would greatly impact the consumer market and cause significant economic disruption. This rule must be given ample time to research so that the SEC can fully understand the index annuity industry. I have worked in the industry for 7 years and feel that annuities and index annuities are wonderful retirement options for seniors. There are very few product options on the market that allow for principal preservation, safety and a guarantee interest rate. These products need to remain on the market and should be supervised by the NAIC. Please allow for ample comment on this very defining rule for our industry. Thank you!

Heather Hutchinson
The Annuity Source, Inc.