Subject: File No. S7-14-08
From: John Westering

August 22, 2008

To whom it may concern,

I really think that before the SEC and FINRA say they can oversee the suitability of a Agent selling Fixed Indexed Annuities properly to prospective clients, they should police their own Registered Representatives since some are selling security products that are not suitable to certain clients.

The insurance companies have made major advancements in suitability and I honestly feel that even though the issue is suitability and marketing to seniors, the real reason they want control is for the MONEY. Millions of dollars are leaving these brokerage houses daily for a safer and more secure product with an insurance company. Bottom line, they want a piece of the action, and who can blame them, but it is not an issue of suitability but profitability.

The livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of insurance agents are on the line. Do the right thing