Subject: File No. S7-14-08
From: Thomas F Helbig

July 30, 2008

I have been in the Financial Services Industry for over 31 years. I have been licensed in life health. I have been protecting my clients life savings for all that time not one of my clients have ever lost any principal or gains by following my advice. This is why a Fixed Index or any Fixed Annuity should never be considered a security.
I believe like many others out there that this just about money. FINRA is not getting any of the fees associated with Fixed Index Annuities that is just pure greed
FINRA says its about suitability, well why is it ok for stockbrokers to put their clients life savings at risk but its not ok to have surrender charges or penalties for early withdrawals of annuities for Seniors. There is a price of liquidity no matter what vehicle they are in. What is the price of liquidity in the stock market, its called Volatility. You never know what your worth when you may need you money.
I have never seen so much greed and dishonesty from from an organization that says they are there to protect investors. That is a complete lie. FINRA wants a piece of the Billions of Dollars in fees they are not getting from Fixed Index Annuities.