Subject: File No. S7-14-08
From: Greg Hinkson

July 7, 2008

Securities and Exchange Commission
Reference File number S7-14-08

My comments are in regards to your rule change for Annuity Contracts. The SEC certainly knows as well as all of us in the field that we do not invest or manage the money in an annuity and that annuity contracts should not be subject you your oversight. For the SEC to claim jurisdiction over annuity contracts is simply greed. Your desire to gain control of this sector of business will hurt thousands of us in the field who desire only to protect our clients by not risking their financial futures. Should the SEC be successful in bringing annuity contracts under their oversight, please know that I will be one of the many thousands of agents who will gladly join a class action law suit to prevent such a decision from becoming permanent.

Thank you for your time and careful consideration of this extremely important matter.

Greg Hinkson