Subject: File Number S7-14-08

July 24, 2008

It is about time the SEC and any other governing body has the guts to classify an indexed annuity a security. You should not be able to discuss security “indexes” if you do not hold a securities license.

As a security licensed person, I could not discuss equities if I did not have a series 7. My assistant can not give out securities information without being securities licensed. So why can a person discuss security indexes without a license?

One person in my area is all over local television and sells millions of dollars worth of indexed annuities. He actually gave up his security license to be able to sell indexed annuities. In fact he gave up his license after many complaints and the possibility of losing his license. He has is an insurance license which we all know is not held to the same standard. The same is also true for another individual that lost his license.

It is time for you to be consistent and make the people selling the indexed annuities held to the same standard. I do hope you will pass the rule and help clean up the industry.

Bobby Roberts