Subject: File No. S7-14-08
From: David S Rosen

November 18, 2008

To Whom it may concern,

I have been a licensed insurance agent for 34 years. We as insurance agents stand steadfastly together in our disagreement with the SEC concerning the 151A ruling. You are basing your decisions on the actions of a few bad apples that always seem to spoil the barrel for the rest of us. What determinations have you used to test the honesty and forth righteousness of Series 6,7 63 guys. Are they not to held to same standard we are? You will not only injure all the agents who do not have the required SEC, NASD licenses but the Insurance Industry as a whole.
Is there not some way to work out a compromise so that all parties are held accountable and we can continue to service our clients properly and also have the ability to support our employees, sales people, children and families. Instead of being so biligerent, be open minded to finding a workable answer, think about the entire repercussions of this action on the industry as a