Subject: File No. S7-14-08
From: Marvin Ivey

November 18, 2008

I would like to express my opposition to this proposed action. Frankly I see no pressing need to be licensed as a "Securities Dealer". There are no stocks involved with a FIA, and by the way, would it not seem to be a misnomer to paraphrase a stock broker as a securities dealer. It seems to me that given the current circumstanece, that stocks are anythinng but secure.
The people pushing for this legislastion should be concentrating on doing the job they currently have, to wit" supervising and overseeing the brokerage people. They certainly aren't doing a great job at that, and I don't believe that they need to take on other responsibilities at this time. Besides I submit that they will do a lousy job at this also. We don't need more regulation. I propose that we do a better job of what we have now.