November 14, 2008

Subject: File No. S7-14-08

Thank you in advance for receiving my comments on the above ruling.

I’m a investment advisor representative in the state of VA, a member of the FPA, and I support the proposed rule. A vast majority of clients are either boomers or seniors. A number of them, including prospective clients, were presented index products by insurance only agents who left them with the impression that they were helping with their investments and offering them a complete retirement solution because of their discussion about the stock market and other security indexes.

I also receive sales calls from agencies pushing high commissions first and product last.

The customer is confused enough about the differences among the different "financial advisors" to allow a non-licensed insurance agent to sell unregulated securities based product.

Again, thank you for your consideration of my comments.


John M. Lesko
JM Lesko Financial, LLC