Subject: s7-14-08

October 29, 2008

I think this is another example of sour grapes by the SEC. the FIXED INDEX annuities have always been, will always be, a fixed annuity where clearly none of the clients money is ever at risk. It amazes me why in the world is it even being contested, this why hugh companies fail, to much effort and good money spent attacking something that should never be considered an item to attack in the first place. Another example, although not as serious, of closed door politics, where a hand full of suppossed leaders make decisions that will effect the world, just like Bush did with the war in Iraq, these people do these things even when they are not qualified, just leave things as they are, we as Americans have enough to deal with as it is, find something that really needs fixing, cause this anit broke my friend..agent, Charles I. Keller, Indiana...