Subject: File No. S7-14-08
From: Michael Grimes
Affiliation: CRPC

October 15, 2008

Over the last 4 years I have placed millions of investor's dollars in Fixed Indexed annuities.

Her are some of the comments I have received recently on an unsolicited basis.

Mike I just called to thank you for putting me into an FIA, I (unlike my friends with stockbrokers) can sleep at night.

Mike, my wife wanted to know how our money is doing. Your kidding we haven't lost a dime. Boy is she going to be happy.

Mike, I just got my statement from you and it hasn't lost a penny. I wish I could say the same for my other accounts you don't have.

Mike, The Sec wanting to regulate FIA's is not about protecting clients assets is it? It looks like a power grab to me.

Best regards, Michael Grimes CRPC