Subject: File No. S7-14-08
From: Timothy A Coonradt
Affiliation: Estate Planer

October 14, 2008

Lets take the last honorable proffesion and let the goverment regulate it so it stinks so bad only some one in washington will want to participate in it. My wife, my daughter, my self ,and my clients have been so proud not to a part of the scandalist securites market, planning for the long term with safe long term stratagies for our clients whom have lost nothing in this last Wall street fiasco. We have so many people thanking us and the governmet respose is to regulate us and make us be part of the scum whom have lost the future retierment of working class America. READ THE BIBLE You will know when the end of the world is coming when you call evil good. Our so called representatives have sold us out to the higest bidder because the scum are losing to much business to the good guys. Now they want to make us part of the bad guys

It's time to form the MILITA We will be meeting at the Siesta key grill in Sarasota Fl Sat the 18th for our first meeting. We can not take any more.

A patriot,

Tim Coonradt
4021 Camino Real
Sarasota Fl, 34231