Subject: File No. S7-14-08
From: Kevin Loewenstern

September 4, 2008

I strongly oppose any actions to take away my right to make a living for my family marketing insurance based fixed equity index annuities. As a licsensed agent for 16 years I have never had a complaint filed against me and I have brokered millions of dollars of these products as savings vehicles. I am sorry there may be others abusing this privilage but there are people in the securities industry as well as other industries that are not doing right by their customers as well. I do not give advice or comments what so ever on registered securities brokers products or planning and I doubt if they are qualified to talk about my industry, yet some do and without an insurance license. What is next long term care and Medicare products, how about life insurance products as well? Should a person not be licensed to talk and give advice about the complexities of a long term care policy? How many security brokers have given advice on these products and with out training or experience? I am a certified long term care consultant and I have 16 years of experience but this does not seem to count for much on the other side of the fence which I find to be hypocritical. Like the old saying goes clean up your own back yard before you complain about mine. There are more ethical agents than nonethical agents and this is what is important. Most Sincerely, Kevin Loewenstern,agent