Subject: s7-14-08

August 28, 2008

Dear Sirs and Mesdammes,

I am registering my concern about the proposed rule. I am an insurance and financial planning professional and object to this approach to supervising the sale of Indexed Annuities. Matter of fact, I've never sold, nor recommended, Indexed annuities. That's because I don't feel they are a viable product for my clientele. They are too heavily loaded with expenses and too confusing to the client. So, I agree with the concerns you are trying to address.

However, I do believe that the current regulatory framework can work to see to it that unscrupuous sales people are dealt with and that supervision of the insurance industry can be effective in reducing and hopefully eliminating the misuse of or abuse with these products.

So, please, do not put into effect S7-14-08. It's not needed and would be a waste of effort.

Stewart Creelman