Subject: File Number S7-14-08

August 27, 2008

Florence Harmon
Acting Secretary
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549-0609

Florence Harmon:

I am a licensed insurance professional. I am writing to you because I do not support the adoption of proposed Rule 151A, which would classify most indexed annuities as securities. In addition, I am concerned that the application of proposed Rule 151A would not be limited to indexed annuities and that other annuity and insurance products that happen to fit the criteria set out in the rule would be brought within the scope of the rule. I urge you to withdraw the proposal. I acknowledges the concerns that have been raised regarding the suitability of certain indexed annuity sales and the methods used to market indexed annuity products. And, I strongly believe that people who engage in unscrupulous or misleading sales practices should be aggressively prosecuted and subject to appropriate and meaningful sanctions. However, concerns regarding suitability, disclosure and marketing methods are not the relevant criteria to consider in determining whether a financial product is or is not a security. I agree with state insurance regulators that indexed annuities should be classified as insurance products, and that the state insurance regulatory structure is the appropriate means for addressing the concerns raised by the SEC.

For these reasons, I urge the SEC to withdraw the proposed rule. Thank you for your consideration of my views on this matter.


David Ehlert, CLU, ChFC