Subject: File No. S7-14-08
From: Donald F Leverett

August 27, 2008

Gentlemen, There are numerous reason for the SEC NOT to take over supervision of the Index products.
1. Increase in rules with no added protection for seniors (just go after bad agents not the whole group)
2. Smaller payouts for the client. (Rich get richer)
3. Ristriction of trade since all seniors cannot get a brokerage account.
4. Restriction of fair competition.
5. Be honest, this is not about protection but rather more money for the SEC and Broker Dealers. Really can't you just tell the truth and treat us as if we fell off of a turnip truck yesterday How about all of the corupt practices that now exist which are controlled by the SEC - Short Sellers to mention just one I say do the job you have before you and leave out the bull you keep trying to push off on honest insurance agents trying to earn an honest living