Subject: File No. S7-12-11
From: George Conrad Gourley

May 31, 2011

Elizabeth Murphy
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549

Dear Murphy,

The damage done to the American economy, the American people, & the American treasury is both lasting & devastating.

The bankster schemer, liar incompetents who inflicted this on our nation & the globe should feel it in exactly the same way. Long term torture returned in kind.

Quit allowing lavish, gratuitous rewards for the banking frauds, fools & failures & quit punishing the American taxpayer & treasury & US dollar via the Fed policies to pay for it.

And by the way these freeloading bank parasites aren't even paying taxes on billions in profits, even when they are using all of our taxpayer funded infrastructure.

Referencing Docket No.'s:

OTS:   RIN 155-AC49
OCC:  RIN 1557-AD39
Fed:    RIN 7100-AD69
SEC:   RIN 3235-AL06
FHFA: RIN 2590-AA42
FDIC:  RIN 3064-AD56


Mr. George Conrad Gourley