Subject: Comments for File Number S7-12-11

May 23, 2011

I’m writing because my family and I were affected by the economic collapse of 2008, and we don’t want it to happen again.

One way to change the incentives so Wall Street doesn’t collapse our economy again would be for regulators to set up a way for shareholders to grab back ill-gotten gains.

If it turns out that the profits in a given year were built on shoddy practices that become clear in the out-years, those bonus payments should be forfeited.

I own a small business and always had enough business to keep myself employed along with several contractors not to mention the small businesses I supported as a part of doing business. When Wall Street crashed the global economy, my business dried up and while I was unwilling to give up I still had to earn some money if for nothing else than to pay for my marketing. So I went to work in a job that paid minimum wage because it was the only place I could go that allowed me the time to still keep my own business afloat in terms of hours I could work. It was demeaning and labor intensive work but I did it and held my head up high until I could no longer. I am more creative in finding new business and have great clients who keep coming back because of the value and quality we have always supplied. You could learn something from us. We are honorable, honest, and have more integrity than you'll ever know in your lifetime.

It's time to be paid for the value of your work like me. Thank you for considering my comments.


Maureen E Dougherty