Subject: File No. S7-12-06
From: Michael A Lepis, MD

April 29, 2007

34-55520 Mar. 26, 2007 Amendments to Regulation SHO
File No.: S7-12-06

In general, the practice of allowing FTD's (naked shorting) is the practice of giving rogue hedge funds the license to manufacture unlimted "phoney" stock certificates to drive down stock prices to defraud hard working tax payers of their lifetime investments and savings in the name of greed. The SEC not only knows who is doing this but also to the extent it is being done and is either unwilling or unable to stop it. Any provision that would prevent these crooks from exploiting this goverment protected loophole would be overdue. You may want to start by investigating Home Solutions of America (HSOA) which has been under attack and has been on the SHO list for the majority of the year.

Thank you for your time