Subject: File No. S7-12-06
From: Kerry L Cazzorla
Affiliation: home investor

July 23, 2006

The public now knows that Naked Short Selling is undermining their investment potential, killing businesses and that Market Makers are stealing from them.

The word is growing out and faith in the market place will continue to drop. At this point, injustice is growing and the gauntlet will continue to be passed around until the battle against corruption will be won and the markets are cleaned up.

You can pretend it doesn't exist, try to cover it up or you can deal with it.

End Naked Short Selling along with the corruption.

Implementing Regulation SHO was a start. Although SHO is incomplete and lacks teeth, the system also lacks integrity by all the regulatory bodies to implement fines/hardships or legal deterrents.

The only way to correct the NSS is to make those who stole pay through personal loss, in whatever manner is effective. I personally think jail is the place for thieves......what do you think?

Legislate healthy restrictions into the game rules clean up the market............otherwise the markets will collapse. It is not a matter of 'if' it will happen but 'when' it will happen.

No matter how hard you try to sweep things under the rug you can not do it any more.............because we the Global investors/people now KNOW.
We have spoken and will continue to speak.
The Giant called Truth and Justice has Awakened

K.L. Cazzorla
Manitoba, Canada